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In the Future

In the Future they will never understand why we never committed to a code of mutual well-being; and instead surrendered to chaos and the pattern of having to constantly react to bad actors.

Join & Vote

To join and vote Civilization of Love is to reject every leader who would have us go down any other path To join and vote COL is to commit to personal action to renew community where we have been planted To join and vote COL is to repent having fallen for demagogue...

Christian Nationalists

American evangelicals & Catholics no longer believe a politicians personal and public morality matter Trump supporters show their tribal allegiance  “vice signaling” by being rude, aggressive, obnoxious to show how little they care about conventional moral norms...

No Christ here

Emulation of Trump by evangelical pastors using and supporting grievance-filled extremism and obnoxious rude behavior. Christian nationalism= deep in fanaticism & stripped of Christ & virtue.


A big reason why GOP senators said they did not vote to convict Trump was that “too many of his supporters have guns.” Romney upon leaving Congress reveals he has to spend $5,000 a day for security to protect his family.