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This country, all of humanity are at a crossroads. Our choice is between a clearly visualized dystopian future, and a new Golden age of human living on this planet, not articulated, but known deeply within the human heart.

CCP Threat

In 1964 Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai laid out Chinese policy. He said if only we had a few more Cubas in Latin America , a few more Congos in Africa, a few more Vietnams in Asia. We create infinite messes for the US, and chop off one finger at a time; that’s how we...

Kristi Noem

Public outcry for Kristi Noem killing her puppy is probably removing her from consideration as Trumps running mate. I knew what kind of person she was when she bragged about buying her granddaughter her first gun for her second birthday. What kind of grandmother does...


I propose that any nation loses their seat on the UN security council the minute their leader uses aggression to violate any other nation’s territorial sovereignty.