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Some of my ideas on gun policy -We need strict enforcement of laws already on the books- ex. red flag laws -Every transfer of firearms must be accompanied by a background check -Ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines

Pay Attention

You can predict what things will look like when people gain a greater amount of power by watching what they do with what they’ve got: -Trump & GOP- making them subservient to him -CCP in China- oppression of Tibet, Uyghurs, Mongolians, Hong Kong -Putin- squashing...

Danger of senile Leaders

When leaders grow old, tired, weak, and senile, they lose their grip and their nerve. Corruption springs up all around them, as enemies of the people seep in through the cracks, taking the reins of power.

Culture Wars

I implore Americans to reject the endless culture wars stirred up by self-serving politicians. They keep this country divided, and ultimately decimated, by encouraging citizens to believe the worst about each other; descending into endless pettiness, taunting and...

All Ugly

Yes the imperialism of European colonizers over the course of history was despicable. The ugly use of their superior technology manufactured into weapons to oppress those weaker is the way the game has always been played: “Might makes right.” But remember: Communism...