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Health Care Big Health & Big Pharma

Health care Big health  Big Pharma Health insurance companies take premiums &search for reasons to deny care= stealing CVS= 1/4 of all pharmacy sales 92% of all drugs move through 3 wholesalers Big Health= 4 private insurers= half of all enrollments=United health...

So Desperate

Heartbreaking how many Americans are so distrustful of the govt. and disgusted with the US system. Clearly JFK was a coverup and political assassination, We’ve been divided since Vietnam. Do we want change so desperately that we are willing to double and now triple...


Reject the ignorant tactic of trying to create viral moments with name-calling, petty insults, personal attacks on their opponents character, and convictions.

Horrible Week

Between the ugly debate between a lying Trump and a sleeping Biden, and the Supreme Court undermining our bedrock “no American is above the law” it’s been an horrible week. Please don’t take this lying down.

Housing Crisis

US has 2-7 million fewer homes than it needs. US needs to build 1.5 million homes a year. Investors scooping up single family homes. Ordinary folks are bidding against billionaires.