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I’m appalled that politicians want to protect kids from TikTok but not assault weapons in school or be impaired for their future opportunity due to defective or mediocre education.

True Christianity

True Christianity= renouncing worldly power Trumps version= obsession with wielding it ruthlessly The faithful are tested to stay with him despite depravity: rape conviction, porn star infidelity, inciting insurrection coupe attempt, selling bibles for profit.


Evangelicals see Trump as modern day David= morally flawed figure hand-picked by God to lead profound mission= liberal deep state elites are persecuting church supporters. Trumps flock practices not Christianity but Christianism= authoritarian reactionary creed...

Toxic System

-Americans have for some time now believed their political system is toxic, corrupt and broken- many say beyond repair -Justice today is less important than entertainment. This is a silly culture -There has been a corrosion of civic virtue in US

Sports Ruined

They have married sports to gambling, and to maintain the integrity of the games this union must be severed. There’s been a tragic shift from the pure joy and love of the game to focus on financial gain from the game.