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Every little piece of your life Will add up to one. Every little piece of your life Will mean something to someone. Editors  “The Weight Of The World”


We lost trust in religion and nation have not been repaired. Both God and country require trust. We’ve lost faith in family and community Raising kids as a priority has been cut in half: 59-30% Community involvement is down by more than half: 62-27% Social...

Dying Civilizations

“Civilizations develop in response to unique challenges born and grow in successful response too successive challenges.” Arnold Toynbee We navigate what extremes will lead to destruction (excessive difficulty) or stagnation (excessive ease). Civilizations die from...

Don’t fail our children

Of course we love our children, our most precious gift and resource. We need to give them hope through the way we live our lives. Children may or may not come from us, but they all go through us. We need to give them the chance to grow up in a world that is safe from...