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-Wealthiest 10% own 93% of stocks- not the real economy -Jails are filled with petty thieves while the real crooks are running everything -What is America? a conglomeration of several mega- corporations? -richest 1% of world is responsible for the same amount of...


None of our presidential candidates has ever had the vision or the courage to say that it is love alone that is capable of transforming our institutions and our society.

Great Exhaustion

It is said we are in the midst of “The great Exhaustion”= a time filled with a pervasive sense of drain, fatigue, so severe that many are cutting out even low stress activity. Why  is this exhaustion increasing? 1-unsustainable lifestyles from the pressure to live...


Guns -now leading cause of death ages 1-19 -US gun rate 10x that of 28 other wealthy nations -take guns out of politics and put in the realm of public health


Surgeon General calls gun violence a public health crisis and the nation must act with urgency to address the death and injury caused by firearms.