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Going forward, will America stand for anything besides “lets all just make as much money as possible?” Because if that’s all we have; we’re done. Our Tombstone reads “gathered under the banner of freedom and opportunity, they indulged their lower instincts and became...

Why I’m running

My campaign by the #s  Why I’m running: *1/3 eligible voters did not vote in 2020 *$32 trillion in debt *55% of Americans don’t have $400 saved for an emergency *60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck *$17 trillion household & credit card debt

Deaths of despair

Deaths of despair: 1- alcohol-related 2- drug overdoses 3-suicide are now afflicting all segments of Americans not just under-educated males. Whether Zimbabwe or West Virginia, when youth have no jobs they lose purpose and succumb to idleness, turning to drink and...


Some of my ideas on gun policy -We need strict enforcement of laws already on the books- ex. red flag laws -Every transfer of firearms must be accompanied by a background check -Ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines